Original title: DUEL Opus 3

A battle of melodies, or a battle of the sexes? Feast your eyes as pianist and cello steal the stage as a musical duo ready to duel! As this poetic pairing switches from one instrument to another, the music will come to life, as notes flutter past your ears.

This contrasting duo shows size doesn't matter when it comes to music, and will bring their instruments to life on a journey through the ages of music. Will they be able to overcome their differences at the end of this musical duel?

This unique show features no dialogue at all, a great way to discover popular Parisian entertainment without a beat. Emotions are ensured to connect through a wide range of mimed expressions, music and miming. The duo behind Duel truly have created a patchwork of entertainment guaranteed to enchant from ages 7 to 77 and beyond. A can't miss show that has pleased Parisian audiences for years and has triumphed on stages in over 39 different countries!

Cast : Laurent CIRADENathalie MIRAVETTE

Stage direction : Gil GALLIOT

Access plan Théâtre de la Gaîté Montparnasse

How to get to the Théâtre de la Gaîté Montparnasse

  • Gaîté, Edgar Quinet, Montparnasse
  • 28, 56, 68, 82, 89, 92, 94, 96
  • Gare Montparnasse, Tour Montparnasse rue du Commandant Mouchotte

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Anonyme 5
Après avoir cru à un sabotage de la musique classique, je me suis laissé emporter par ces deux musiciens géniaux aussi doués que burlesques. Absolument à voir.
Bravo et encore merci pour ce merveilleux moment.
Anonyme 5
D'excellents musiciens qui se jouent de la musique! Humour intelligent pour accompagner leur virtuosité à tous les niveaux.
Un très bon spectacle qui fait du bien.

This show is no longer running

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